
Theology of the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

Gustav Oehler’s Theology of the Old Testament is helpful to ministers and biblical students due to its subject, its wide range of thought, the thoroughness with which the topics are examined and discussed, and the positive results to which the author arrives. Oehler focuses on the supernatural character and gradual progress of revelation in the Old Testament. He is able to embrace the whole field...

of man as the divine image (comp. § 68), discerns in murder, first of all, a transgression against the Creator and Lord of human life, Gen. 9:5 f., which must be atoned for. Num. 35:33, by the extermination of the guilty person from the theocracy, which is desecrated by the guilt of blood (6). God Himself is the proper avenger of blood (Gen. l. c.), the דֹּרַשׁ דָּמִים (Ps. 9:13, comp. 2 Chron. 24:22), to whom the shed blood cries for vengeance Gen. 4:10. Thus the avenging of blood becomes a divine
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